Another great thing that happened today was that my best friend finally came to my class to see what it was about. She did the Baseline and was wrecked, but I believe she will be back. She has watched my journey in CrossFit for almost 2 years and I have talked her ear off about it. BUT she always told me it looks too hard and she wasn't interested, so I never pushed it. Imagine my excitement when she called and said she wanted to take my class! I hope she sticks with it. I didn't mention how it can be addicting.
After the class was over, she wanted me to show her what the muscle-up looked like. This is another thing she has heard me talk so much about. Well, of course I couldn't show her, so I had my coach, Mark, show her. Of course, he made it look so easy!
Then she wants to see where I am with it. I hop up on the rings and do my attempt. I get my chest all the way up to the rings and actually got further than I ever have...but I still got stuck at the transition.
She said, "Oh my God! You are there! Just stick your head through, that's all you have to do!"
I thought, "Ok Cindy! I will do that right now!" *Sigh*
She said, " I thought you could barely get up there. I didn't realize how close you are. Just do it today! How cool would that be to do it on my first day here?!"
That would have been very cool! But, it didn't happen today. I did feel more confident that it will happen by the end of this month though, because I really am closer than I have ever been. Tomorrow is my rest day, but I will definitely spend some time on the rings tomorrow.
AMRAP 12 minutes
Ring Dip/ Overhead Squat Ladder (weight 95lbs)
1 Ring Dip
2 Ring Dips
keep increasing reps until time runs out.
Score: 8 Rounds + 4 Rings Dips
Back Squat: 60%x5reps (100lbs), 70%x4reps (115lbs), 80%x4repsx4 (135lbs)
Power Snatch: 60%x5reps(50lbs), 65%x4reps (55lbs), 75%x4reps (65lbs), 85%x4repsx2(75lbs)
Clean: 75%x4reps(105lbs), 85%x4repsx2(115lbs)
Push Jerk:60%x5(80lbs), 70%x5reps(95lbs), 85%x3repsx2 failed on 4th and 5th attempt(115lbs)
Clean Pull: 95%x3(130lbs), 105%x3(145lbs)
Breakfast: 2 hardboiled eggs, 1 piece of bacon
Post WOD: Progenex
Lunch: Left over meatloaf, cauliflower, broccoli
Snack: Nuts, seeds and raisins
Dinner: Baked lemon and pepper chicken, grilled zucchini and squash, butternut squash
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