Let me just go ahead and tell you, whenever I visit my dad and my stepmom, I don't worry about what I eat. I don't go CRAZY, but I eat what is made for me. Anne, my stepmother, stresses over the littlest details, wanting to make everything perfect and for everyone to be happy, and I just want her to relax. I've tried eating "clean" while I am there and it just doesn't work. You don't tell someone who has just made you homemade spaghetti, that you don't eat pasta anymore. Well, I don't do that. I try not to put any stress on her about what we are going to eat and she does her best to have food she knows I prefer to eat. But I want her to enjoy our visit, too, not worry about what food she needs to have on hand. I know that paleo is almost foreign to some people, and she would absolutely stress out if she tried to make everything paleo. She LOVES making treats sweets for the boys. That just gives her joy. It's only 3 days. It's about enjoying family and having fun, and that is what we did. I hope you did, too!
Ok, so, I have taken on a new challenge. Well, it's not really "new", more like I have adjusted my original goal. I just recently blogged about my pursuit for the elusive Muscle-Up. My original goal was by October 16, which will be my 40th birthday. But WOD Love posted a challenge on facebook the other day. (They have the cutest crossfit apparell on their website, by the way!) Here's the challenge, the only requirement is that you haven't been able to do a muscle-up before. The goal is to get that first one, documented, by October 1st. This is only 2 weeks sooner that I originally had planned AND I could win a prize. I love winning prizes. It is rare that I do, so I am all about this challenge! If you haven't gotten your's yet and you want to possibly win a cute shirt, go "like" their facebook page. They are always posting challenges and they LOVE to give away free stuff!
Ok, so Saturday, I spent a lot of time working on my muscle-up, but there are not a lot of places where I can hang my rings at the lake. The only place I could find was on the dock and the clearance was not very much. My husband was watching me and he said, "You are so close to getting it, but I think you are also aware that you could nail your head on that beam above you." I tried a few more, but he was right. I was just too aware of that beam right over my head. I was a bit frustrated. I had it in my head that I was going to work on it all weekend and I felt like I was almost there!
Alright, I am going to be bold and make the proclamation here. I WILL GET MY MUSCLE UP BY OCTOBER 1st.
There. It is in black and white and IT IS ON!
Today's WOD is one I programmed myself. I knew it wouldn't be a fast one, but I wasn't prepared for how the weather would effect me. Tropical storm Lee was all around us, but it didn't rain this morning. I wish it had though. The humidity was 95%! The barbell couldn't have been any wetter than if it had been raining. Turns out, this was the surprise challenge. Overhead Squats and a wet, 45lbs barbell, tends to be a bit tricky. My hands slid the entire time. My entire body and clothing were wet with sweat and humidity so there was no place to dry my hands. If you have never been to Alabama and experienced it yourself, it is hard to describe what 95% humidity and 95 degree weather, combined, feels like. Breathing even seemed hard today during this WOD because of the weather.
Labor Day WOD
2 Rounds
100 meter run
50 OHS, 45lbs barbell
100 meter run
50 pushups
100 meter run
50 situps
100 meter run
50 burpees
Spent way too much time on the OHS, as I mentioned above. This was much more taxing on my arms and hands because I was constantly fighting to keep my grip from sliding and failing miserably. The burpees were good the first round, but the last round, it was much more taxing. Burpees usually don't bother me much, but today they were aweful! I had predicted about 20 minutes. Not today. I was thinking I might give this one to my class on Wednesday, but I may need to adjust it some.
Eating today
Breakfast: cinnamon roll
Lunch: Cheeseburger, no bun, baked sweet potato
Dessert: Anne's ginger bread with 1 scoop of vanilla icecream
Dinner: Baked chicken, butternut squash and green beans
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