So, I spent all day at the gym yesterday as each class came in and did FGB6. By the time I got home, I was just too tired to do anything but shower and fall into the bed.
Last year we did this and only 4 of us participated. This year, we had 16! Very exciting. The rest of the world is going to be doing this tomorrow, but we thought Mark, the owner was going to be out of town this weekend, so we scheduled it for Thursday instead. The really exciting part is that we had 2 brand new people come in and do it...their very first WOD ever. I LOVE IT!
Thursday's WOD's
I've never done just a Muscle Snatch. I have done a snatch from the hang position and a power snatch and a squat snatch, but not the muscle snatch, so I didn't have a 1RM to go by. It is different, that's for sure. I just started with a 33lbs bar and went from there.
Strength (morning)
Back Squat: 60% 5reps (100lbs), 70% 4reps (115lbs), 80% 4reps x 4 (135lbs)
Muscle Snatch: 60% 3reps (33lbs), 70% 3reps (43lbs), 75% 3reps (53lbs), 80% 3reps x 2 (63lbs)
Bench Press: 60% 5reps (60lbs), 70% 5reps (70lbs), 85% 5reps x 3 (85lbs)
Fight Gone Bad (afternoon)
3 Rounds
1 minute per station for max reps
Wall Balls (14lbs)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (53lbs)
Box Jumps (20")
Push Press (53lbs)
Row (for calories)
Score - 263. I beat my last score by 12 points. :)
Today's WOD
Strength Only
Front Squat: 60% 5reps (83lbs), 70% 4reps (98lbs), 80% 4reps x 4 (113lbs)
Clean: 60% 5reps (83lbs), 65% 4reps (93lbs), 75% 4reps (103lbs), 85% 4reps x 2 (113lbs)
Snatch: 75% 4reps (65lbs), 85% 4reps x 2 (75lbs)
Rack Jerk: 60% 3reps (75lbs), 70% 3reps (90lbs), 85% 3reps x 3 (105lbs)
I was supposed to have done 6 sets of the last Rack Jerk, but my left shoulder is very sore. I started going to a chiroprator this week, so hopefully this will get better soon. He has also been working on my lower back and it is also sore from the adjustments, but the stinging pain is gone, so that's good.
Thursday (Day 10 of Whole 30)
Breakfast: 2 hardboiled eggs, 1 piece of canadian bacon, 2 cups of black coffee
Post WOD: Progenex
Lunch: Grilled chicken salad, unsweet tea.
Snack: 2 hard boiled eggs
Dinner: Grilled chicken breast with onions, side house salad
Today (Day 11 of Whole30)
Breakfast: 2 hard boiled eggs, 1 piece of canadian bacon, 2 cups black coffee
Post WOD: Progenex
Lunch: Grilled Chicken Salad
Snack: grazed on almonds and raisins
Dinner: Baked chicken, broccoli and cauliflower
I know, I have been on a chicken fix this week. What can I say? I love me some chicken!
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