I usually don't blog on the weekends but I know I need to catch up. This will be a short one for those of you who are keeping up with the WOD's.
I love getting your emails telling me your progress as well. You inspire me and drive me to be a better me. Thank you!
For Time:
5 Ball Slams (30lbs)
25 GHD situps
10 Ball Slams
20 GHD situps
15 Ball Slams
15 GHD situps
20 Ball Slams
10 GHD situps
25 Ball Slams
5 GHD situps
I haven't done a lot of GHD work in the past few months and it really showed. I did all the GHD's unbroken but I had a headache the rest of the day. Of course my abs were sore for 4 days. Gotta love it!
4 Rounds
Each round is 4 minutes long
Run 400 meters
9 Push Presses (58lbs)
8 Bar Facing Burpees
Rest in the remaining time of your 4 minutes (the faster you get done with the work, the longer you get to rest)
At minute 17 do max number of Box Jumps. Score is # of box jumps
Score:28 Grrr! Danny beat me by 1! Next time...
Worked on 1 Rep Max Deadlift. I pulled 225lbs, which was my last 1 Rep Max, then jumped up 10lbs. I was worried it was too much and it was. I think my head got in my way again. I got it off the ground, but it didn't come higher than my shins.
Strength Day!
Bench Press- 60%x5 (65lbs), 70%x5(75lbs), 85%x5x3(95lbs)
Hang Power Snatch-60%x5, 65%x4, 75%/4, 85%x4x2
I haven't done a lot of Hang Power Snatches so I didn't have a 1 Rep max to go from. This is what I lifted 48lbsx5, 53lbsx4, 63lbsx4,68lbsx4x2
Hang Power Clean-75%x4 (73lbs),85% (83lbs)x4 95%x4 (93lbs)
Overhead Squat- work to heavy single. I only got 115lbs today. It was just one of those days.
It's not the squatting I struggle with, it's the jerk from the back to get the weight overhead. I put 125lbs on the bar (my current 1 rep max) but knew in my head I wasn't going to jerk it so I reracked it and walked it off. I came back to the bar after a few minutes and tried again and ended up dumping it. Very disappointed but I know somedays are not the days for a PR. What it reminded me is that I really need to work more on jerks from the back of the neck and get my confidence up there. So, I spent about 15 minutes working on just that.
I am going to skip posting my Eating on this Blog, but it will be posted on the next blog.
Today my WOD is a good one!
Paint kitchen for time. 3,2,1...Go!!!
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