Thanksgiving for me, has been one of mixed emotions. At least it has for the past 19 years. That's because 19 years ago, I lost my cousin in a tragic dirt bike accident. It was Thanksgiving Day and he was only 11 years old. I was devastated. He was here and then, just like that, gone.
These past few days have been a huge reminder to me that tomorrow is not promised to us. What we are promised is this moment.
How are you spending that moment? How am I spending that moment?
I have talked about how CrossFit has helped me get through some pretty tough emotional times. CrossFit is a huge stress reliever and the best therapist I have found. I also realized that the best thing for me to do for my health was to forgive those that hurt me, love the ones that mattered, forget about the past, Let Go and Let God, and cherish the moment I am in. This also goes for CrossFit, too. I mean, if I didn't enjoy it, I wouldn't do it. The day it starts becoming something I dread is the day I stop. CrossFit should be fun, at least that's the way I see it. Now that doesn't mean that it will be easy, if it is, you probably need to up your game or find another box.
So what is CrossFit to me other than what I have already mentioned?
It has become my adult playground. It is where I go to have fun. A place where I laugh everyday. I love the people at my box. I LOVE coaching. I love lying on the floor at the end of a WOD knowing I gave it my all. I love getting stronger. I love that I can do things that I never dreamed of. But most of all, I love it because I just do. How's that for an answer?
Life is way too short to spend it doing something you hate. I know that we don't always have a choice about what goes on in our lives, but there is one thing that we do have a choice in. How we respond to our circumstances. We can let things defeat us or make us stronger. I decided 2 years ago that I would not be defeated.
Embrace the moment and have fun.
Here are the WOD's from yesterday and today
Worked on Handstand Walks
Worked on muscle snatches. This will help me with my turnover and help me catch the bar overhead instead of trying to chase it out in front.
Also worked on clean and jerks and squat snatches.
These were not heavy lifts. This was all about technique.
Cleans (85lbs)
Ring Dips
as Rxd 8:29 PR!!
Last time I did this was back in August and I had to scale half of the ring dips and my time was 10:01. So happy with my score today!
CrossFit Total
1 Rep Max Backsquat - 180lb (squatting to ball, this was a 5lb pr)
1 Rep Max Shoulder Press- 80lbs
1 Rep Max Deadlift - 225lb yep, still stuck here. :-/
Total- 485
Breakfast--Oatmeal with Raisins
Post WOD-Progenex Recovery
Lunch-Left over Zucchini Casserole
Dinner-Grilled chicken, grapes, oranges and strawberries
Breakfast-Oatmeal with Raisins
Post WOD-Progenex Recovery
Lunch- Ribs, cabbage and creamed spinache
Dinner-Fried Chicken (Skin removed), Yellow Squash, 2 potato wedges