Since Friday's are my days for long, endurance WOD's this morning I took on the WOD "Brennan" and Sherry and Mark joined me for the pain. I got this from Women of Crossfit=Strong facebook page. What a great, inspirational page, by the way!!! I highly recommend you "like" it. The story behind Brennan is also on their facebook page. As I looked at it on paper, I really didn't think it would be too horrible. I knew it was a lot of running, but I have run 3ks before, so I knew I could do that. Then I thought, 20 pushups? Only 9 cleans, that's not too bad. Ha! I even told Sherry that I may not do the 3 minute rest so I could get done with it sooner.
Let me just tell you, this kicked my butt!!! And yes! I rested after each round.
4 rounds
300 meter run
20 pushups
300 meter run
11 KBS (35lbs)
300 meter run
9 Power Cleans (95lbs)
300 meter run
9 pullups
3 minute rest
The total meters run adds up to 3 miles.
This was aweful but I am so glad I did it. Yeah, I almost met "puckie" on this one! Time-49:03
I ran every run, and only had to break up the cleans. My elbow has been aching since yesterday's heavy WOD so I was a little cautious with the cleans. Two days rest this weekend should be just what it needs.
Today's meals
Breakfast-2 hard boiled eggs, 1 slice of bacon. 2 cups of black coffee
Post WOD- Progenex
Lunch-Left over Stuffed Peppers, water
Snack-nuts and dried fruit and 4 slices of apple, unsweet tea
Dinner- CHEAT MEAL! Crabcake ceasar salad from Joe's Crab Shack, dessert-Gluten/wheat free chocolate cake and two scoops of vanilla ice cream, unsweet tea.
I haven't made a note of this before, but I had someone ask me what I drink. I only drink water, unsweet tea and black coffee.
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