sled push

Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Got My MoJo Back!
This past weekend I, along with 5 friends (my husband being one of them) from my box, Trinity CrossFit, competed in our very first team competition and oh my Goodness! It was so much fun! We didn't win, but we had the best time!
I have done CrossFit Competitions before, but this was my very first team competition. I can't decide which I like better but it definitely got me pumped up for the Garage Games in February.
Above is a little video I put together of the days events. I know it's a little long but I had so many pictures and video. It was hard not to throw it all in there.
The first WOD was, as a team (3 on a team), complete 12 rope climbs in 3 minutes, then run an unknown distance with a log. Our team finished in 12:51 (30 second penalty for not completing the last rope climb). Yeah, we kind of choked on the rope climbs towards the end. We had improved a lot on those, but our competition was pretty tough!
The second WOD was- Carry 15 logs up a narly hill and back down again. During the WOD, 100 burpees need to be completed. Our team did this in 9:56. We decided the best strategy was for me to carry a log up the hill and then knock out the burpees while Joe and Hunter worked on the logs. I finished in time to help carry down the last few logs (I carried 4 down). We were really happy with our placing on this one.
By the way, 100 burpees on a steep hill is a whole 'nother world!!! WOW! My calves felt like rocks for days.
The last WOD was the tug of war. Oh my gosh! This was, by far, the best event!! Everyone was into it and cheering! It was awesome!
We placed 12 out of 22 teams, so we didn't make the final cut, but we were happy. Our scaled team missed the cutoff by 1 slot and placed 6 out of 13 teams.
If you ever have an opportunity to do something like this, DO IT! There is just no way to describe what it is like to be there. Both as a cheerleader and as a competitor. SO. MUCH. FUN.
Thanks to Brute Fitness for putting together such a great event!
Tonight, my husband and I will be signing up for Garage Games One and I will be doing it as Rxd. I am ready! I have checked out their website and it looks like I need to work on sled pulls and max height box jumps. So, I have now added that on my "to do" list.
Ok, since I am only posting once a week, I will be posting my last weeks WOD's for those of you who are keeping up or doing these on your own.
Monday WOD
Open WOD 11.2
AMRAP 15 minutes
9 Deadlifts (105lbs)
12 Hand Release Pushups
15 Box Jumps
Score- 8 rounds + 25 reps (beat my old score of 8 rnds + 9 reps)
Tuesday WOD
6 Rounds
10 Dumbbell Thrusters (25lbs)
10 Knees to Elbows
10 Weighted Lunges (25lbs in each hand)
Time-11:43 WOW!! The lunges were the surprise!
Wednesday was a rest day since I had the competition that weekend.
Thursday WOD
Still sore from lunges!
"Runny Annie"
Double Unders
Run 200 meters after each round
Time-14:31- not great. Did the first 3 sets up Double Unders unbroken, got to 10 and I couldn't sting 3 together. WTH?
Friday-another rest day. Going to a competition and being unable to move due to soreness from the previous days WOD is not recommended!
Saturday-Barnyard Throwdown
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i love this blog, i've been thinking of doing something similar! You are such a great inspiration for young to be moms! :)